Media Language Essay

Media Language is the codes of a specific text. It's a way in which the meaning of a media text is conveyed to the audience. Camera, sound editing, Mise-en-scene, semiotics & ideologies are all used to demonstrate meaning to the audience. In this essay, I'm going to analyse and evaluate how technical, symbolic, audio codes and written codes have been used effectively in Terror House’s trailer ‘Bedeviled’

Symbolic codes refers to lighting, colours, key signifiers and mise-en-scene which is used to convey a certain theme, the character itself and the genre. In the Bedeviled, the antagonist’s clothes were either black or white. The colour black has connotations of death and evil. Black is a mysterious colour associated with fear and the unknown. This suggests to the audience that this character will die because the colour of clothing revolves around death. Later, the antagonist is wearing a white hospital gown. The colour white has a positive connotation to it. It connotes a sign of purity, innocence and virginity. This suggests to the audience her character and how she is. In the exorcist, the young female who was possessed also wore white which symbolises purity. This is commonly found in supernatural films and this sub-genre normally plays on the fear of puberty and how they have no control while their bodies are transforming. Also, the blue door got shut closed. This signifies being stuck or trapped. The trailer used low-key lighting which is used to create the atmospheric mood of horror. The lighting assists the feeling of being scared.

Technical codes refers to camera movements, angles and editing. When describing movement, I consider primary action and secondary action. In the trailer, there’s an over the shoulder shot which allows us to see what the character can see. This could signify that that there’s someone or something behind the character. However, this is an ominous angle as the audience cannot fully see what the other character can see. There is a low angle shot which transitions into a pan shot to show the house. A low shot makes the building appear much bigger and terrifying.

*not completed*


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